About Tummy Talks

Insception Lifebank, Canada's largest and most experienced cord blood and tissue bank.

While COVID-19 continues to impact many aspects of life, the fundamentals of pregnancy and childbirth remain the same.

We are committed to offering free online prenatal education to provide unbiased and current information to help prepare you for what still should be one of the most exciting times in your life. 

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Tummy Talks is an organization that connects prenatal experts in their field with expectant parents. Our mandate is to bring pregnancy and newborn resources to parents-to-be in order to help educate and prepare them for the new and exciting phase in their life.

A division of Insception Lifebank/Cells for Life, we are committed to providing accurate, current and unbiased information to expectant parents to facilitate their preparation for childbirth and the care of their newborn.  

© 2024 Tummy Talks. All rights reserved. 

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